Rene Zavaleta Mercado Lo Nacional-popular En Bolivia Pdf

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René Zavaleta Mercado born in Oruro (1935), died in Mexico City (1984), was a Bolivianpolitician, sociologist and philosopher. Zavaleta was an extremely influential Bolivian thinker of the second half of twentieth century. His thought is usually divided into three periods: the first nationalist, followed by an orthodox Marxist phase, and finally his more influential unorthodox Marxism from a uniquely Bolivian perspective. Concepts originating from his work are fundamental to later development in Bolivian social sciences. Notable concepts such as 'sociedad abigarrada' (roughly translated 'motley society'), meaning a society juxtaposed by asymmetric relations of differentiated cultural power and its respective modes of production. Additionally considered important are Zavaleta's meaning of the terms 'mases' ('masses') and 'multitude'. Today his work is considered essential for understanding the reality of Bolivian cultural, political, and social life.

El nacimiento del estado plurinacional de Bolivia. =9F019D02DB7681C44C0D7BE059EA2C3F Zavaleta Mercado, Rene. Lo Nacional-Popular en Bolivia. • f • Rene Zavaleta Mercado Lo nacional-popular en Bolivia Contenido © Alma Reyles de Zavaleta, 2008 © Plural editores, 2008 Primera edi cion: Siglo XXI editores. PID541: “Bolivia–National Land Administration Project. Reprinted in Rene Zavaleta Mercado: Ensayos 1957-1974. Lo nacional-popular en Bolivia.

As a politician, René Zavaleta was the Minister of Mines and Petroleum during the revolutionary government of the Revolutionary Nationalist Movement (MNR). He also acted as a diplomat for Bolivia to Uruguay and Chile. As an academic, he studied at the University of San Andrés (UMSA) in La Paz, the University of Oxford, and was director of the Latin American Social Sciences Institute (FLACSO), in Mexico.

Zavaleta has had a notable influence on the thinking and work of important contemporary Bolivian leftist intellectuals: current Vice PresidentÁlvaro García Linera, elected member of the Bolivian Constituent AssemblyRaúl Prada, as well as Luis Tapía, Oscar Vega López, among others.

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Rene zavaleta mercado lo nacional popular en bolivia pdfLo nacional-popular en bolivia (1986)


In Spanish:

  • Estado nacional o pueblo de pastores (1956),
  • Crecimiento de la idea nacional (19xx),
  • 50 años de historia (19xx),
  • El poder dual en América Latina: estudio de los casos de Bolivia y Chile (1974),
  • Bolivia: Hoy (1982),
  • Lo nacional-popular en Bolivia (1986)
  • La Caída del M.N.R. y la Conjuración de Noviembre. La Paz: Los Amigos del Libro. 1995. ISBN84-8370-214-2.
Rene Zavaleta Mercado Lo Nacional-popular En Bolivia Pdf


  • Mignolo, Walter D.: On subalterns and other agencies in: Postcolonial Studies: Culture, Politics, Economy, Volume 8, Issue 4, 2005, Pages 381 – 407
  • Dunkerley J.: Evo Morales, the 'Two Bolivias' and the Third Bolivian Revolution Journal of Latin American Studies (2007)
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