Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol Script Pdf

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  • Dec 11, 2017 - Beginning in 1996, the films follow the missions of the IMF's main field team under the leadership of Hunt, who is forced to take over after the.
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Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol Script PdfHey, how did you open your cell door?- Shh!- HeyWhat are you doing?Open Sector 2!How did you get out?Get back in your cell.I told you, get back in your cell!Let's give you a few friends to play with.Sorry.Send some guards in.I'm trying.Okay, I'm set.How's things going down below?How do you think? I'm in a sewer.The doors won't open! We're locked in!Sound the alarm!We've lost control!Captain!I'm in position.Move to phase 2.What are you doing?What are you doing?What's wrong?What's happening, Benji?Oh, God.He's not going to the extraction point.Stay focused.He knows where he's going.No, I'm not. I won't.I will not open that door.Please go to the extraction point, Ethan.I know.I know what this means, but I can't.I'm not authorized..Go to the extraction point, Ethan.Go to the extraction point!Oh, you're just going to wait.We're going to wait. Great. I can wait.Okay, fine. Fine! Fine!There.We'll just screwthe whole thing up on purpose.Uh, Jane? We're goingto have a slight delay.Why do you want to go in there?Bogdan!Sergei?Time to go!Now?Yes, now!I don't know what he's doing,and for some reason, I'm helping him.As long as he's where he should bewhen the song ends.Uh, we have a passenger.Sergei!Open all of them!Oh God!Oh God oh God oh God. .Sergei, please tell me there's more to this plan!Whoa!Let's go. .Agent Hunt?And you are?Agent Carter.Okay.Who's your pal?I'll tell you on the way!Light the fuse.Sergei, what's going on?It's OK, Bogdan.I don't mean to bring upthe elephant in the room,but what's with the big, hairy Russian?Who, Bogdan? He fed me intel. If I lefthim there, they would've killed him.So we're gonna give him his freedom.Did you call in the sweepers?On their way.Good, good.Uh, Benji, how is it you're here?Oh, I passed the field exam.Crazy, right?Yeah. Crazy.- DNA test.- It's me.It's procedure.I'm just confirming it's you.- You're very thorough.- Sergei?Are you not Russian?Relax.Sweepers approaching! Brooms are out!- Roger that.- Sergei.Are you not Sergei?You'll be fine.Bogdan.I always take care of my friends.My friend.Messy bringing him along.I thought it went rather well.Mind telling me what you were doingin a Russian prison?Mind telling me why you broke me out?This wasn't a rescue mission?Uh, let me put it this way.If the Secretary wanted me out of there,it must be pretty bad out here.We were after a file.We lost it.'We'? Who lost it? You?Agent Hanaway.Where's Hanaway?It was a letter drop.Classified file.It should have been a simple intercept.We knew which trainthe courier was on.Uh, ETA, two minutes on the courier.But there was one thing we didn't know.Bobcat, your train's six minutes out.Who the courier was.It's now or never, Bobcat.The courier delivering the file,what's his name?Go ahead. Shoot.We are out of time.I need a name, folks.I can't track all these people at once.Marek. Stefanski.For the love of God!You got it?Marek Stefanski.Searching.I'll take it from here.Ow! Ow!Hey, you all right, buddy?Hanaway dropped the markand grabbed his bag.Sit down. Catch your breath.He had the file in his hands.Easy in, easy out.File secured.But we weren'tthe only ones after it.Bobcat, someone elsehas crashed this party.I'm not alone.Local police?No. Armed hostiles.Hang tight, I'm coming!Outrigger, back him up.Negative, Outrigger.Rendezvous southwest corner,60 seconds.Hanaway's lens cam drew a facialmatch and triggered a warning.But it was too late.No!You're going to be okay.You're so beautiful.I'm sorry, I. . I should have told you.It was my op.I put him in the field.And she left himjust alive enough for me to see him die.I'm sorry.You know her?That's Sabine Moreau. Contract killer.Works for diamonds.What was in the file?Russian nuclear launch codes.IMF's been looking for an emergingextremist, code name, Cobalt.He's determined to detonatea nuclear weapon however he can.We know Moreau'sworked for him before.What else does IMF know about him?As much as you do now.But if Moreau has nuclear launch codes,you can bet Cobalt's gonefrom a person of interestto enemy number one.We're here.Agent confirmed.Why was he in prison?He disappeared after he and his wife..You know.I thought he'd just been transferred.Put on leave.There were rumors, though.Talk of an unsanctioned hit.Welcome back, Mr. Hunt.In your absence,IMF has learned that Cobalt is or wasa level-1 nuclear strategistfor Russian intelligence.Therefore, the only way to uncoverhis actual identityis to infiltrate the Kremlin itself.In order to get past their checkpoints,you'll be impersonatingGeneral Anatoly Fedorov.We believe Cobaltwill do everything he canto destroy any record of his identity.Your mission,should you choose to accept it,is to penetrate the highly-securedarchive inside the Kremlinand retrieve Cobalt's filebefore he can destroy it.New intel suggests Cobaltis already en route, leaving you. ...4 hours 52 minutes....to infiltrate.To save time,we've chosen your team for you.Agents Carter and Dunn.As always, should you or any memberof your team be caught or killed,the Secretary will disavowany knowledge of your actions.This messagewill self-destruct in five seconds.Good luck, Ethan.What do you got?We're going into the Kremlin.I thought you said 'The Kremlin.'Okay.This is very exciting.Being out in the field.With you, you know.It's a bit of a dream for me.Love your disguise, by the way.You look just like him.It's a shame we're not wearing masks.You know, like, full masks.Everybody gets towear a mask but Benji.Sorry.I'm tense. I babble when I'm nervous.I'm doing it again. Shut up, Benji.Okay, seven security guards.X-ray machines. Cameras.Metal detectors.Just what we expected. We can do this.Releasing in three, two, one.Game face,game face. Kremlin game face.Uh..General..I am Major Egorov.Your documents.You should know your boss.I can't find you.Run it again....Private.Egorov.Excuse me, General. I didn't recognize you.You're going to regret this, Egorov.I think that went quite well.Just shut it.Sorry.It's going to work.I'm sorry, by the way.About you and Julia.You know, not working out.I wanted to say somethingbefore you went away, but. .I liked her, you know.He's off the phone now.It's empty.The nest is empty.Check in, Team Leader.Over.Repeat. Check in, Team Leader.Have you made it to the Archive Room?Captain! The Archive Room!Run!Someone ispiggybacking our frequency.Team Leader,awaiting your go-sign.Standing by to detonate.Abort.Rendezvous nine-two.Shut the gate!Quickly!Our media is no moretruthful than yours,American.But we both knowthat the real cause of the explosionwas you.Awaiting your go-sign, Team Leader.Standing by to detonate.The worst part for you,'Team Leader,'is I am the man assignedto make you suffer for it.For what you did to my country.This is a hospital. .Not a night club.Misha. .help me here..Room twelve.The doctors say he's lucky to be alive.Only a mild concussion.I don't give a damn about his health.I have questions that need answering.Be careful!Prepare a transport.Check over there!Not a good idea.It seemed like one a minute ago.All agents! Hot target heading west!Consolidated Insurance.How may I help you?SAT 20. Agent 82-Delta-Echorequesting immediate evac.Rendezvous Alpha 113.Confirmed. Alpha 113.Details surroundingthe intricate system of gas linesthat run beneath the squareare still forthcoming,but the majority ofthose lines date back to the Soviet eraand have not been updated in at least. .Anna.. Anna. . I've been thinking..It looks like we..We should leave townfor a couple of days.Alex, you, me. Vacations.- Now?- Tonight.Why are you speaking in English?Just..Just the three of us...may not have beenan accident, but a targeted attack.Preliminary numbers are just starting. .Where will we go?..to come in regardingthose wounded in the blast.We can confirm that 11 tourists..Leonid?. .their nationalities still unconfirmed,have been transportedto area hospitals for treatment.While Russian officialscontinue to blame a gas-main break,experts are citing the shape of the blastarea and the size of the debris fieldas more consistentwith that of a set explosive,leading to speculationthat this may have beenan undeclared act of aggression.Although the Defense Ministryis maintainingthat this is strictly an accident. .Anna, pack a bag for Alex.We're leaving now.Anya!We have work to do.Mr. Secretary.I wasn't aware you were in Russia.I'm not.Not since a bomb blew up the Kremlin.Yesterday I flew into accept the Order of Friendshipfrom the Russian Prime Minister.Now I'm headed back to Washingtonto hand the President my resignation.My Chief Analyst, William Brandt.Do you have a pen?- Pardon me?- A pen.Yeah.Ethan, what happened in the Kremlin?Chief Analyst, you say?If you're implying thatI made a bad call..European male.Fifties. About six-foot,180 pounds. Blue eyes.Who is he?A crude drawing,but by your description,that could be Kurt Hendricks.190 IQ. Served inSwedish Special Forces.Professor of physics,Stockholm University.Specialist in nuclear endgame theory.Asked to resign..Well, because he's crazy.Cobalt.You have to alert the Kremlinthat one of their strategistshas a nuclear launch deviceand one of his operativeshas the codes to activate it.And what makes you say that?I saw himleaving the executive armory,bag in hand.He set off that explosionto cover his tracks.It could be weeksbefore the Russians know it's missing.Unless we tell them.They won't listen to us.As far as the Russians are concerned,we just bombed the Kremlin.The tension betweenthe United States and Russiahasn't been this highsince the Cuban Missile Crisis.And the blame, right or wrong,points to IMF.The President has initiatedGhost Protocol.The entire IMF has been disavowed.So what happens now?Now, I've been orderedto take you back to Washington,where the DOD will label youas a rogue extremistand hang the Kremlin bombingon you and your team.Unless,you were to escapesomewhere between hereand the airport,having assaulted Mr. Brandt and me.Sir?You would thenillegally scroungewhatever material you couldfrom a backup supply cachethat I've overlooked.The same cache whereyour team are waiting for further orders.Sir, you may want to. .You will then disappear, and thisconversation never having taken place,your intentions would be unclear.But if any one of your teamis caught or killed,they will be branded terrorists,out to incite global nuclear war.Your mission,should you choose to accept it.Ethan, you were my best man.And I'm sorry it's come to this,after all the sacrifices you made.If we don't meet again,I just want you to know,I've always considered you a friend.Stay down! Drive, drive, drive!You okay?Yeah.Take a deep breath. Stay with me.- Ready?- Yeah.What do we do?Wait here.Where else am I going to go?Hey! Hey, hey, hey!Hold your fire! Hold your fire!Hold your fire!Weapons down!What are you firing at?Two prisoners escaped from Rankow Prison today.And this one?..What do we know about him?Why would that work?Why would what work?The flare on the body,why would that work?It did work.- Yeah, I know, but..- Hey!But why? I mean, how did you knowthat would draw their fire?I didn't. I played a hunch.Okay. All right,so what was your scenario?Right, you. .There's a guy being shot at in the water.All of a sudden, decides to light upa flare and swim around?I mean, what did you assumethey'd be thinking?- Thinking?- Yeah.I didn't assumethey were thinking.I assumed they were shootingat anything that moved.I just gave them a target.Look, these..These guys aren'tRhodes Scholars, you know?It's really happening, isn't it?Yeah.Okay, you know what that sound is?That's our ride out of here!All right, it's a green car. Number 47.I see green!Okay, let's do it.Go, go, go, go.All right, 47.I don't see it.47.Oh, ***!Whoa! Ho!This is it. The manifest.Enter your code.Pole!Ah!Jeez..Press enter.Retinal scanner!Huh?Retinal scan required.Watch out!Retinal scan required.Agent confirmed.Ethan? Jeez, I thought you were dead!- We are.- Who's this?Agents Dunn and Carter.William Brandt, Chief Analyst.Analyst?Agent confirmed.How will the world finally end?It is my job to predict the unthinkable.To treat the death of billions as a game.After 20 years of this, I was numb.Until a new question crossed my mind.What happens afterthe end of the world?Are you sure your line is secure?Every two or three million years..Are you certain your line is secure?. .some natural catastrophedevastates all life on Earth.But life goes on.And what little remainsis made stronger.Put simply,world destruction is an unpleasant,but necessary part of evolution.What happens then, I wondered,when mankind facesthe next end of the world?I don't care what you have to doto get him to Dubai.I'll make it worth his while. Just do it.I looked to Hiroshima, Nagasaki..I'll be waiting for your call.. .thriving cities rebuilt from the ashes,monuments to the unimaginable,dedicated to the concept of peace.It occurred to me herethat nuclear war might have a placein the natural order.But only if it could be controlled.Only if it touchedevery living soul equally.IMF now believes this man,Kurt Hendricks,is the nuclear extremist,code name Cobalt.Today he was seen leaving the Kremlin,with what is likelya nuclear launch device.Two days ago, Sabine Moreau killedone of our agents in Budapestand relieved himof Russian nuclear launch codes.Intel indicates she will check intothe Burj Hotel in Dubai in 36 hours.Marius Wistromis a known operative of Cobalt.Wistrom is currently en route to Dubai.For the launch device to work,Cobalt needs the activation codes.He's sending Wistromto buy them from Moreau.The Secretaryis dead.The Presidenthas invoked Ghost Protocol.We're shut down.No satellite, safe house,support, or extraction.The four of usand the contents of this carare all that remain of the IMF.And as of this moment, any actionis unsanctioned. So if you want out,speak now.Our mission is Hendricks.We're all that standsbetween him and his goal.Nothing can be left to chance.Everyone connected with this manis considered an asset with valuableinformation about our target.No one can know we're still on line.We lose Hendricks now,we lose him forever.So, what's the play?Wistrom will take delivery from Moreauin 36 hours.Now we cannot letthe launch codes leave the hotel,but we need Wistromto lead us to Hendricks.He'll only do that if he has the codes.Or if he thinks he has them.Our objective is to intercept the sale,replace the authenticcodes with counterfeitsand follow Wistrom to Hendricks.Well, that's simple enough.We *** the codes,we gin up some fakes.Jane, you double Moreau, and sell thecodes to Wistrom and Bob's your uncle.And how do you proposewe just *** the codes from Moreau?We take her out.Yeah, we take her out.But, you know, discreetly.Discreetly?Yeah.Right, she's an asset. Right. I get it.Sorry. Nothing left to chance.He said. . I'm spitballing.It's not all gonna be gold.- We don't touch Wistrom.- All right.Or Moreau.She'll answer for Hanaway,but it has to be when I say.After we hit Hendricks.Only pack what we need.Yeah, absolutely. Only pack what we..You never know.So even if we can doubleWistrom and Moreau,how do we keep them in separate roomswhile having them think thatthey're in the same room?We give the hotel a facelift.Wistrom will thinkhe's arriving at Moreau's suite,but, really, he'll bewalking into our decoy room.Where I'll double Moreau.Downstairs, Benji will double Wistrom.Masks!And meet with the real Moreau.And, uh. .What am I doing?You? You're the helper!Helper. That's great.Okay, so to the extent I understandwhat you're talking about here. .The Burj Khalifa,it's the tallest building in the world,and you want to alter its infrastructurewith the hopes of convincingtwo people that they'vehad a meeting,which actually really never happened.Right?Uh. .Oh!Camels.ETA on dry cleaning.On my way up.Okay, 34 minutes to door knock.Wow, um. .Okay, this is a slight wrinkle,but nothing to worry about.We're just going to have to go intothe server room from the outside.What?Well, the firewalls on this building'sserver are military grade.I mean, this would be a cinchif I could call Youssefback at headquarters,but Youssef doesn't exist anymore,and neither do we.I could hack it,but it would take too long.Then hardwire in.And there's four layersof next-gen securitybetween us and the server room.There's no waywe can get to it from inside.If we can't get to the server,we don't control the elevators,we don't control the security cameras.This operation is overbefore it even begins.I'm telling you,we can get to it from outside.'We'?I'm. . I'm on the computer.I'm just, uh. .The helper.What floor is it on?Oh, 130.130?- Vent ducts.- Pressure sensitive.Not enough time.- Elevator shaft.- Infrared sensors.Not enough time.How am I supposed to do this?God damn it!Oh, that's high.Okay, now remember, it's a rolling offmotion that disengages the bond.When the meter is blue,that's full adhesion.Easy way to remember, blue is glue.- And when it's red?- Dead.Here's your cutter, okay?And your server interface.Both going back here. One, two.Okay, Ethan, the hotel server iseleven stories up and seven units over.Okay? Comm check.Yeah. Copy.So. .It's 26 minutes to door knock.Yeah.25 minutes to door knock.What the hell is that?Yeah, what the hell is that?It's a sandstorm.It's a long way off, Ethan.Shouldn't be a problem.24 minutes to door knock.Where's Ethan?You've got to be kidding me.23 minutes to door knock.I'm at server level.22 minutes to door knock.The countdown is not helping.I'm just saying.I'm in.That's great, Ethan.You're halfway home.Located server.Please tell me we're online.All right, we're live.Okay, I now have control ofthe elevators and the security cameras.Time to redecorate.Okay, you drive.And look out for Wistrom and Moreau.Moreau is at the elevatorsahead of schedule.Go.We can't open this door, can we?The door? No.Ethan, you gotta get down here now.Ethan!Is there a problem? Ethan?We're not gonna make it.We have to make it.Where's Ethan?Your line's not long enough!No ***!Whoo!That was not easy,but I did it.What'd I miss?The lens might bea little uncomfortable.It captures images and transmits themto the printer in the briefcase.- All right?- Mmm.I can't see out of one eye, but I'm fine.Blink twice to activate the shutter.Notice the numbers are in order?A perfect copy.But the numbers are scrambled.Masks?60 seconds.You sure I shouldn't wear a mask?You know,'cause I'm not exactly Omar Sharif.I'll play it French.This is your tracking device.- This is what you're tracking.- The paper clip?No, it's the paper.It's in the briefcase. It's coated withisotopes which give off a unique..It just meansthat you can track the documentseven if they switch briefcases.Range?Not that good. It's, like, half a mile.Safest thing to do would be not letWistrom out of your sight.Is that Wistrom?Who's that with him?I don't know. We don't have an uplink,so there's no facial recognition.Who's that with him?That's Leonid Lisenker.Polish-born cryptographer.He redesigned Russia's nuclearsecurity after the Cold War.He's here to authenticatethe launch codes.- Yes, he is. We are blown.- No, we're not blown.Well, we will be as soon as he seesthe counterfeit launch codes.We're not blown.He's in the elevator.Delay them.Benji, how long would it take youto reprogram the case?A couple of seconds. What for, though?To make an exact copyof the launch codes.- What?- You can't do that.- Wistrom's on 22!- Slow him down.I'll do what I can.Wait, wait. Ethan, hang on now!Hang on. Just a second.You're talking about handing over activenuclear launch codes to Wistrom?Yes. Reprogram the case.Listen.. Stop!Just listen to what you're saying.You're fixating.You're not thinking clearly.It's not gonna happen. I won't let it!33 and climbing!Brandt, use your head now.The mission is not the codes,the mission is Hendricks.Then just let it play out.Give him bad codes. Neutralize him.You know that won't do it.Failure to a terroristis just a rehearsal for success.41!We lose Hendricks today,he shows up somewhere else tomorrow.He finds another way.With no IMF to stop him.No. It's now or never.Now, Brandt, give me the case.Nothing can be left to chance.You said that.You're the analyst.Now, tell me there's not another wayfor Hendricks to get those codes.50!You tell me that this is his only avenue,right here, right now, today.You tell me that, I'll walk away.- We go without.- Without masks?- Jane needs to go.- Ethan!We have no choice.Ethan, you'd be walking inon Moreau unarmed.Face-first. Literally.How do we know they've met?- How do we know they haven't?- Doesn't matter!Damn it.We have no choice.Goggles.What if they have met?Come in.Which one of you is Wistrom?Which one of you is Wistrom?I am.Mission: impossible - ghost protocol movieI admire your work.Sit.Where are my codes?Where are my diamonds?Close by.You have my payment?When I see the codes.Not to worry. Come in!I thought we could have tea.Mademoiselle. Messieurs.No diamonds, no codes.No codes, no diamonds.Kill this one.ETHAN: We didn't come alone.That hallway out there is a kill-box.You know who we work for.We come back with the codes,or we don't come back.How good is your backup?The best.Hmm.I've killed the best.Do you care for some sugar?Enough. Let's get this done.You want payment, I want guarantees.When he's authenticated the codes,I'll make the calland you get your diamonds.That orwe all go home in buckets.Nobody leaves this hotel alive.Get the papers.Is there a problem?It's locked.Ah, forgive me.There must be a key.One moment, huh?Messieurs.My mistake.It is a combination, not a key.You tell me the numbers.They're good.Zero.Come on, come on, come on.It was a pleasure doing business with..Wistrom has the launch codes.He's on the move.Hey, I did as you asked. I did.Now let my family go!Release Leonid's family.Thank God.You can thank him in person.It was a pleasuredoing business with you.Kill him!Moreau's on the move!I've got her.Jane?She's an asset!I need heralive!Acknowledge!Acknowledge!Uh, Ethan, Wistrom is in the elevator.I can't see Leonid, though.Benji, slow him down.Get me an elevator.Find Leonid.Benji, I've got a lock on Wistrom.But I can't tell.Is he still in the elevator?Benji?Ethan. Over?Benji.Benji, I lost..Ethan, can you hear me?Ethan, can you hear me? Over.Jesus!Sit down!- Watch her.- Why me?Because if I do, I'll kill her.Hold it, Team Leader.Did you really thinkI wouldn't catch up with you?You and I are not enemies.It was a set-up..We'll find out your lies soon enough.Move it!I'm sorry about this.Leonid. Benji?Go for Benji.I've got Leonid by the elevators.He's been shot.What?Hey, hey. Stay with me. Stay with me.No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.Jane! No!Come on. Come on.Now, what happenedwith Moreau, Jane?She couldn't help us with Hendricks.So let's throw her off the building!I didn't throw her.Let's throw her off the building!She was not the mission, Jane!The mission was to track the fileback to Hendricks, who is in the windwith nuclear launch codes!Maybe you didn't notice the gunshe had pointed at me.Yeah, like you didn't noticethe open window,or that we're about a mile up in the air!It was an instinctive move.It doesn't matter!We're talking about a nuclear war.The asset is more important than you.Where do you get off telling mehow well I executed?We inherited you.You're just a bureaucrat!Better have good news for me.Is he here?You think I need you to tell mewhat the mission is?Yeah, I got it. Dunhill lighter.I'll be there.And no one will be following me.Just make sure no one's following you.And how the helldid the Russians find us?- What are you asking me for?- Because you're communications!You're in charge of covering our tracks.You cannot afford tomake mistakes like that now, Benji.You're not a technician anymore.You're a field agent.And you're just an 'analyst.'Right?Who are you really, Brandt?- What are you asking?- What am I asking?Let me see if I can put it another way.How does an agent with skills like thatend up an analyst?Well, we all have our secrets.Don't we, Ethan?You tell me yours, I'll tell you mine.I have friends in the region.Just sit tight.I'll send someone to get you out of here.What about Hendricks?What's the plan?The plan was for usto stop him together.Well, what are you going to do?Change the plan.Wait. That's it?What are you going to do,go after him alone?Would you care to explain yourself,Agent Brandt?I was on a protection detail in Croatia.Shadowing the assets,husband and wife.They were never supposed to knowwe were there.Whole thing's routine, it was a milk run.Three days inwe caught wind that a Serbian hit squadwas after our couple.But my team had it under control.We knew they were coming.But I couldn't shake this feeling that Ishould warn the couple somehow.I wanted to find a way to let them know.But, you know, orders are orders,so I didn't.One day, the husband decidesto leave the hotel and go for a run,so I follow him,and I leave two men with the wife.When I get back, my guys areunconscious and the wife is gone.Local police found her bodythree days later.What was left of her, anyway.That was my last day in the field.I couldn't face anotherlife-or-death situation after that.So what happened to the husband?I never saw him again.Until two days ago in Moscow,when the Secretaryintroduced me to Ethan Hunt.No, that's not what happened.She left him.Yeah, I heard that one,too, Benji.But, unfortunately, I was there.Just like I was therewhen the Secretary got the phone callthat Ethan was in custody for killingsix Serbian nationals in cold blood.An unsanctioned hit.Yeah.Disavowed.The next thing I know,I'm on a plane to Dubai,wondering the whole time, do I tell him?How do I tell him?That I'm responsible.I could have warned him.I should have warned him.But I didn't.And she died.Sergei! Sergei, my friend!I told you I would get him here.Didn't I say?How do I know it's him?Yes, it's him.You trust me, I trust you. Right?This is the guy!This is the guy, the one I told you about.So we can take these things off.Sorry. He's a great guy,but he doesn't know you like I do.So, you work forthe American government.And you're an arms dealer.No, no, no. Sergei. Sergei.He's 'independentdefense coordinator.' Right?That you are. Very classy job.Listen. He's a friend.Those diamonds are for Bogdan.No, no. It's okay. You can have them.Whatever arrangements you made withmy cousin is between you and him.You want something from me, you pay.You misunderstand.I'm not buying. I'm selling.You're selling.Selling what?The future.Yeah, I got all I need, thank you.Our countriesare on the brink of war.War is very good for business.Nuclear war?Go on.I'm looking for a mannamed Kurt Hendricks.You may know him as Cobalt.In either case,I think you know what he wants.I'll bet he even triedto buy it from you at some point.Go on.He has a case, he has codes.But they're worthlesswithout a tactical satellite.I want to know where he'd get it.A man with information like thatwould be a potential terrorist.And to your government,a potential terrorist is a terrorist.If you help me,my friends become your friends.Sorry.I cannot help you.I certainly cannot tell youthat Russia quietly soldan obsolete tactical satelliteto a certain telecom in Mumbai.And whoever gave them that idea?An enterprising third party.Working on commission.Helping old friends. Making new ones.Can the satellite be shut down?That would take special skills,and you cannot do it alone.What's in the bags?It's our gear.How'd you get it?Made a friend.Well, I'm glad we could help.You could help now.Look, Ethan, before we..Whatever happened, happened.We still have a chance to clean this up,but we have to do it now.And we have to do it together.Okay. So, where are we going?India.- India? India?- Sure.Okay. Great.Love the jet.Wait till you see the car.Sidorov.How have you been, old friend?Oh, it's you.I've been busy with other things.But I'll be after you again soon enough.I understand you're looking for an American. .I am.You're also looking for a nuclear launch devicestolen from the Kremlin two days ago.I am?I can help you find both.If.. we can come to an understanding.Brij Nath.Brij Nath. Playboy.Multimedia tycoon.On the surface,his entire network is state-of-the-art.But it's built on illegally acquiredCold War cast-offs, including this,the Novosti satellite.Hendricks needs itto launch a nuclear strike,and we have to shut it downbefore he gets that chance.And to do that, we need to getthe access code from him.One way or another.And if I don't,none of this works.You can do this.Yeah.A week ago, I would have believed you.I don't blame you for what happened.She took someone you cared about.That's not something you justlet go.Did it make you feel better?When you killed the menwho killed your wife?We can't get them back.Okay, to shut down the satellite,we have to manually tap intothe central server.You'll enter through the exhaust vent,wearing this under your suit.Drop down into the computer array,and I'll catch you,then move you along the relay roomand you jack into the panel.Okay, so we enter the partyseparately as guests.Ethan quarterbacks while Jane..Gets the codes from the billionaire.I switch off the fan,you jump into the computer array,and I catch you,you plug in the transmitterthen Ethan feeds me the codes which Ithen use to pinpoint Hendricks' location.Okay, but you just breezed oversomething I think is really important.The computer array part, where I just..Jump?- And I catch you.- Yeah.I don't. . Why is that so hard to grasp?Well. .Why? It's a 25-foot drop.And we're using magnets.Yeah.In light of our recent efforts,the technology's. .The science is sound. All right?I'd be more worried about the heat.And then there's that. What heat?Well, it's like any computer, isn't it?If you switch off the fan,it's gonna get really hot!Of course.Relatively, you know.Of course it will. So I'm jumping into a. .Uh, an oven, essentially.Yeah. Essentially.But, um, I'll catch you.Great.Aapka swagat hai, sir. Welcome, sir.Comm check.Saturn's got your five-by-five, Jupiter.This is Pluto.I have arrived at the party.There he is.Get us that code.Venus moving in on target.Hook's in.You do make an impression.Why am I Pluto?It's not even a planet anymore.Well, I think Uranus is available.It's funny 'cause you said '***.'I'm in position.Sending in the Rover.He's moving to you.Give him your back.Don't want to make it too easy for him.Are you gonna be talkingthe whole time?In 20 minutes, I want a glass ofCuvee Louis in every guest's hand.And make sure all of them have a bottleto take home by the end of the night.Sure.Impressed yet?I'm more of a bourbon girl.I'm Brij Nath.Welcome to my humble home.And Rover's in position.Spinning down the turbine.He's e-mailing.Venus. Be Venus.Be Venus.Husband?Boyfriend?More of aco-worker.Saturn, take the leap.Okay.Jumping.Jumping now.Jump now?Yes. Commit. Jump.- Jump.- Jump.- And I catch you.- Now.So, you're sureabout this suit, right, Benji?Pretty sure.Now you're pretty sure?Jump.Oh, God. All right.Jump.Jump!Ow!Jupiter, he's gone.Did you jump?Should I not have jumped?'Cause I jumped!Stand by.I'm playing a hunch.Don't hit me.Hello?My God, you area passionate creature.I would like to show youmy collection of art.I was waiting for you to ask.Then you have to find me.You're on.I'm heading upstairs.All right, now be careful,because it's probably getting a bit hot.We have to get to that satellitebefore Hendricks does.Look left. Look up.I find your capricious passion intriguing.Let me tell you one thing.He's not your type.Completely not your type.He's completely cold. I'm hot.Like all Indian men, I'm very hot.Eight o'clock.Hot! Very hot.He's at your eight o'clock.As you move towards me,you're getting hotter.Whoa. Ow! Ah! Up, up! Up, up!Ah! Too much, too much, too much!I see you.I'd heard you have one of the finestprivate collections in the world.Well, at the very least, it's private.Saturn? How we doingin the relay room?In position.I see the satellite.Can I help you, gentlemen?I don't think so.Need those codes, guys.All originals from Chhatarpur District.You know, the Tantrics believethat the Swadhisthana chakra hidesour most subconscious of desires.Mmm.Uplink to satellite.Reboot to original military specs.Download the virus.What the hell is that?What the hell is what?It's going haywire!It's downloaded a virusfrom the satellite.Hendricks is killing the serverbefore we can kill the satellite.Hendricks is reprogrammingthe satellite.He's gonna have launchcapability in five minutes!- Something wrong?- No.Jane, you gotta move.We need that code.Finally we're alone.Venus, now's the time. Kick his ***and get the code.We are alone, aren't we?No one will interrupt us.Move and I break your neck.The override sequencefor the relay station.Say it now or never speak again.The codes.46, 82,93.Benji, what happened?The system's crashed! We're too late.No, no, no.He's revealed himself.Benji, can you pinpointHendricks' location?Uh, Hendricks is signalingout of a state-runTV station 6.7 miles from here.Send me the coordinates.Good work, Brandt.Now get the hell out of there.Back me up!Jane, tie it off with Nathand meet me at the rally point.Sleep tightFaster, Benji! Just straight through!Wait! Stop!Take me through!It's not responding! A little bit ofpatience would be appreciated!I can't reach the top!More fan! More fan!More fan!There's nothing I can do! It's maxed out!Brandt?Brandt?Next time, I get to seduce the rich guy.Satellite weaponized and online.Upload the new authentication codes.Lock Russian Central Commandout of the system.Isolate the sub.We'll fire just one missile,an apparent retaliation for the Kremlin.That should start the ball rolling.I'm here, Ethan.How long until Hendrickscan launch a missile?Less than 30 seconds!We need another route.Turn left up ahead,take the alley on the right.We have uplink.Ethan, Hendrickshas started the launch sequence.How much time until missiles are flying?Three minutes!We're three and a half minutes out.We can make it.Captain..Connect to Central Command for launch verification.Right away.Proceed with Operation 'Iron Fist'.Command to Launch is confirmed.Cease all further communication.Over and out.Next left.Proceed.Ethan? We're too late.The missile's in the air.There has to be a wayto abort the warhead.If there is one,it'll be on the launch device.We're gonna get that case.May there be peace on Earth.Disable the relay.Get Wistrom! Inside, inside!Wistrom destroyed the relay.Ethan went after Hendricksand the case, but..Doesn't matter if he has the case.We can't transmit the abort codes.Can you fix it?Uh, yeah. . It's gonna be pointlessif we don't have any power.Wistrom!- Jane!- I'm okay.No, you are not okay. She'***.You stay here and cover Benji.Benji, get this thing rewiredand back online. I'll get the power on.We can do this.Ow!I'm taking that briefcase!No! No!He's been gone too long.Damn it! Listen.When the power comes on,these two drives go into this bay, okay?Mission accomplished!Don't touch him!This one is mine.So, we are not enemies.The phone callfrom that arms dealer in Dubai.You wanted me to find you.How else to believe this?Hospital?And in other news, eight weeks later,the debate continues.Eyewitnesses remain adamantthat the object was some sort of aircraft,but officials with the Department ofDefense insist it was simply a meteorlarge enough to bevisible during daylight.You actually said that.Out loud.'Mission accomplished.'I said it.You're still corny, Ethan.I can't imaginethe look on that guy's face.- Hey.- This must be them.Luther Stickell,the firm of Carter, Dunn and Brandt.I blew an entire weekendon the bottom of the San Francisco Bayno thanks to you clowns.No, man, you know I got this.I know. I'll see you in Kandahar.Thanks for meeting me.So, I hear the insurance

Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol Script Pdf

company's refusingto pay the claimon that car you crashed, Ethan.Something about intentional 100-metervertical drops not being covered.Go figure.How's the leg?Still working.You?Healing.I'm fine, by the way.I mean, I'm not actually sleeping, per se.You know. Cold sweats.Middle of the night.All these peopleare just happy and smilingand they are completelyoblivious to the factthat they were almost vaporized.And if it hadn't been for. .Dumb luck?Was it?I mean, look,we were unprepared, in the dark.Disavowed.And the only thingthat functioned properlyon that missionwas this team.I don't know how we ended up together,

Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol Movie

but I'm glad we did.Your missions.Choose to accept them.Hey, look, I'm in.Seriously. It's not as if any missionis gonna be rougherthan the last one, is it?I mean, that's just..Bomb. . Is it?Thanks, Ethan.Thank you.Agent Hunt.Agent Carter.Brandt.I'm not picking up that phone, Ethan,because I don't thinkyou want me in the field.I know your wife is dead.I was there in Croatia.I was there for one reason.One.And I failed.It was my job to protect her.How do you know she's dead?There was a body.Did you see it?You killed those Serbians.I had to get her back.You were sent to Rankow Prison.That was a sacrificeI was willing to make.IMF suspected Hendrickshad people in Rankow.

Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol 2011

And six dead Serbianswas the ideal cover.Waste not, want not.The Secretary never told me.I accepted the Rankow Prison missionon one condition:That no one could knowshe was still alive.But you're telling me.When did you find outthat I was in Croatia?I pulled your file after India.Right.So you had to fake your wife's death.As long as we were together,she could never be safe.It wasn't your job to protect her, Brandt.It's mine.Okay.So we're good.We're good.Come on!Good evening, Mr. Hunt.36 hours ago, there was a breachin our military's communication network.Now, an emerging terrororganization known as The Syndicatehas control of our entire drone fleet.Their targets: Unknown.Your mission,should you choose to accept it..
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