Contoh Kasus Law As A Tool Of Social Engineering

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  2. Law As A Tool
  3. Law As A Tool For Social Engineering
Law as a tool for social engineering

Suteki, Suteki (2009) Strategi Pengentasan Kemiskinan Melalui Penggunaan Hukum Sebagai Sarana Rekayasa Sosial (Law as A Tool of Social Engineering)Studi Kasus Pengentasan Kemiskinan Melalui Pengelolaan Badan Amil Zakat (BAZ) di Jawa Tengah). Majalah Masalah-2 Hukum, 38 (3). pp. 219-226. ISSN 0216-1389

May 1, 2018 - IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS). Student Master of Legal Studies Postgraduate Program of Muslim. Of global economic developments such as franchise, joint venture, contract construction and engineering. Hukum Bisnis untuk Perusahaan Teori & Contoh Kasus. Rekayasa Sosial (Social Engineering. Yang bernama Rescoe Pound dengan teori yang terkenal “law as a tool of social engineering.

Contoh Kasus Law As A Tool Of Social Engineering

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The phenomenon of the non-optimum zakat (tithe) collection shows the government as the worldly power so that it may be able to utilize the big potency of Moslems in zakat for the sake of development funds collection. The law may be used as a tool or instrument used for social engineering (a tool of social engineering) in the effort of rising people from poverty. Therefore, the Central Government had issued some law and order used to regulate the matters of zakat, such as, Act No. 38 Year 1999 concerning the Management of Zakat, Joint Decision of the Minister of Religion and Minister of Domestic Affairs No. 29 Year 1991 / 47 Year 1991 regulating the Construction of Badan Amil Zakat Infaq and Shadaqah (BAZIS), which is a form of public self-supporting institution operating under the government’s protection. The strategic model that can be used in rising from poverty through the use of law as a tool can use the model of the work of law of Chambliss-Seidman. This model is the model of rising from poverty with a holistic characteristic. Keywords: Law and The Rising from Poverty

Item Type:Article
Subjects:K Law > K Law (General)
K Law > KZ Law of Nations
Divisions:Faculty of Law > Department of Law
ID Code:5380
Deposited By:Mr. Hukum Admin
Deposited On:25 Jan 2010 15:06
Last Modified:25 Jan 2010 15:06

Law As A Tool


Law As A Tool For Social Engineering

Law as a tool for social engineering

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