PostgreSQL Native Provider

PostgreSQL Native Provider 3,9/5 8076 reviews

I'm in need of a functional OleDB data provider for PostgreSQL. It should be similar to the ODBC provider for MySQL. See

Readbag users suggest that PostgreSQL Native OLE DB Provider (PGNP) is worth reading. The file contains 65 page(s) and is free to view, download or print. Zenkov & Software Engineering: PostgreSQL Native Provider (PGNP) is an OLEDB Provider for PostgreSQL database. The provider is a thin layer between Microsoft ADO and PostgreSQL API exposed via libpq library. It implements most of the OLEDB interfaces and uses libpq to access a PostgreSQL database. Document titled PostgreSQL Native OLEDB Provider (PGNP) is about Data Management.

Sebastian Hoitz
Sebastian HoitzSebastian Hoitz

3 Answers

The postgres software catalog has some providers on there.

Arthur ThomasArthur Thomas

dotConnect for PostgreSQL (from Devart) offers a pretty good one. It is fast and works. The free version will give you your basic support, the pay offers everything else. ODBC doesn't have a free version.
Adding the direct link to the ODBC connector as it is on a separate page.

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Postgresql Native Provider Download


Serial para sodelscot 3.9. If you want to check the last version of ODBC for PosgreSQL :

Enter in the 'msi' folder for the installer.But be careful, when you are using ODBC, there is a 32bits and a 64bits version. Monster hunter portable 3rd english patch. So choose the right one.


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Postgresql native provider From Igor P. Zenkov & Software Engineering :
PostgreSQL Native Provider (PGNP) is an OLEDB Provider for PostgreSQL database. The provider is a thin layer between Microsoft ADO and PostgreSQL API exposed via libpq library. It implements most of the OLEDB interfaces and uses libpq to access a PostgreSQL database. The provider can be used from 32-bit and 64-bit applications both native and .NET. Its flexible architecture allows emulation of various databases SQL flavors (Enterprise edition) and saves customer from rewriting applications that originally developed for other databases. The Provider code is ATL based and it is compiled using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005.

Postgresql Native Provider Connection String

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Postgresql native provider

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